Friday, July 8, 2011

Some days aren't so good....

Admittedly, I can be considered a fair weather commuter.  The last few weeks have been a little tough but I have managed to tough it out at least three days a week.  There are a few things that are trying to thwart my efforts.  The heat has been horrendous topping 90 degrees nearly every day during my commute. I am a pretty hot-weather type of person, it just takes a few weeks to get over it.  The humidity is less of a friend than heat.  But what really tops it off is there are two wildfires in my area that are causing a considerable amount of smoke.  The smell is horrible, visibility is extra low at night and there are severe air quality alerts for the area.  One fire is over 30,000 acres.

So today I ventured forth with 92º F heat, 89% humidity, two wildfires spanning 40,000 acres and after 10 minutes I was on the wrong side of 30% chance of rain.  I had already committed to the commute so I got over it.  Vehicle commuters rarely talk to me while riding and only seem to acknowledge my presence when waiving me through an intersection when it seem precarious and I don't have the right of way.  Today I was lectured by two different drivers at two different intersections while sitting at a light waiting to turn left.  

The first person, an older man possibly 70 years of age, was explaining to me how dangerous it is to ride in the street.  His suggestion was that I ride on the side walk because it would be safer and that is what he did when he was young.  He would also be a bad parent if he let his kids ride their bike on a four-lane road.  I just thanked him for his advice.  

The second person, a lady 30 to 35 years old and possible soccer mom, was telling me that she hates when bicyclists are riding their bike on the sidewalk.  She has to run out of the way with her kids and dogs to avoid the bicyclist taking them out.

I guess you can't make everyone happy.  There are a lot of people out there with these same conflicting trains of thought.  It does not help that my city has one bike path that really takes you nowhere you need to go.  I know I frustrate people, or at least I believe that is what their honking means, but I need somewhere to ride my bike.  As much as anyone tries there is always going to be someone left unhappy.  That's how things work.  I kind of just laughed it off and joked about it when I get to work.  Many didn't get the humor but it is their loss.

I am starting to see more and more cyclists which basically means I have seen about 4 in the last month.  More will come and I have at least two friends who have recently purchased bicycles.  One day riding a bike to work will be considered normal and not suspect of DUI.

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